Posts filed under: About

I saw a pastor friend at a conference after I moved to Atlanta this year. He took one look at me and, rather than saying, “hello” or “how are you”, he bluntly asked me, “What the *&^# are you doing...
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I said goodbye to my Life Group and ministry a few weeks ago to get a fresh start in Atlanta. Wow! I was at Saddleback Church for 20 years. It’s strange to think about starting over in a new city...
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We at VYM stacked hands on our vision today. It’s all about the conversation of the community and we want you to be part of it. As a group of volunteers, we’ve benefitted from sharing with each other what we’ve...
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Welcome to the new, expanded and improved website. Super thankful for our new webmaster Nathan for his incredible talent and many hours making this happen. We’re still not done! Here are some things we still have in the pipeline: 1....
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We’re making massive changes and expansions to You’re getting a sneak peak at some great stuff that won’t be announced publicly for a few weeks. Between now and then, as we make the upgrades, please pardon the things that...
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The real reason I do youth ministry is for the stuff I inherit when my boys forget to take their stuff home. 🙂...
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I am a youth worker. However, to pay the bills and support missions, I print shirts and signs… and whatever else people ask me to do. A few weeks ago, a client I did a sign for asked for packaging...
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So what ever happened to It was going strong for 4 years and then just disappeared. Hackers got to it. Everything was lost and I haven’t had time to start it up again. I still don’t, but I’m going...
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